Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Poem: Ramblings #the100dayproject Day 85


I am always looking for a fight, 
a way to write about my mist. 
I have a need that won’t stop, 
a pulsing in my deepest guts, 
the shiver and jerk of the leg 
in my half-sleep, involuntary, 
my body functions in smells, 
lives and breathes into noises. 
Pain, time and my wrinkles 
all tell a story within a story, 
as a reflection in a mirror 
tells a tale of this person 
who must be me, or a me; 
I am a something in this glass 
an image of existence, 
or maybe this body exists 
as an acknowledgment 
that I am more than  
the sum of my limbs, 
breasts, nose and eyes. 
I am a movement, shiver, 
millions of electric currents, 
I am a not a coiled spring, 
I am a string pulled taught 
waiting to be plucked  
to play a staccato music. 
I am that string that waits 
for a bow to transform me 
into a vibration undefined, 
into an involuntary design. 

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