Saturday, June 15, 2019

Poem: In a Childhood #the100dayproject Day 75

I've made it to day 75 of the 100 Day Project, only 25 days left. Today I was taking stock of all of my writing projects that I'm currently working on and the list is expansive and elusive. And yet, writing down all of them in a list made them less nebulous. It made it easier to see which ones I could tackle first.

In a Childhood 

My mother never spared her tears, 
our carpet turned gray with them. 
If only she had a mother to hold her, 
take her face in her hands and whisper 
about memories of a better time. 
Instead my mother only had me, 
my hands small, I could not hold all of her. 
I stroked her hair and tried to wrap 
my child arms around her body. 
I could never ring around her 
and each time I couldn’t close the gap  
between both of my hands, 
when I couldn’t encircle her in my love, 
I always felt that I had failed her. 

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