Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Day 21 #napowrimo - day 15 #the100dayproject - The Golden Finch

Today's prompt I found Inchjostru by Patrizia Gattaceca and then crafted my own poem based off of the homophonic translation of her poem. My poem ended up being a bit nonsensical, but it was fun and challenging to try this out.


Inchjostru sangue nostru
Sognu viaghju o segnu
Goccia à goccia piuvana
Acqua per la mio terra
Moru frombu di mare
Sale u vechju rimbeccu
Mughja l’anticu mostru
Cù la primiera notte
In chjostru
Avvene ch’ùn vi pare
Più vi risona l’eccu
Di u silenziu à la sarra
A sperenza ci và è
L’inchjostru ci si sparghje
In chjostru...

The Golden Finch

Flinch through song, these instruments
can segregate the violin in secrets.
Go see and go see, peer into the vain
water of existence. The musical terror
morns the front of a marquee,
sailing over the velvet red walk.
Magic antiques the most
celebrated, the prime note
in staccato, in avenues
churning, we part. Pews,
lined with reason and accents,
divide the silence of the savior
and the sacrament of our bodies.
A finch flies just through and chimes of strings
and changes the beak, the mouth, the only instrument.

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