Monday, April 29, 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 29...Meditations

I followed the prompt and decided to do my own meditations...


The banks of the Connecticut are a zipper that’s been unzipped. The trees on the edge of the river lean into the water as if they still are thirsty after all of this rain. Their roots unzip from the watered earth. The river wants to flood over the interstate, to move above the tree line, the line we never thought would break. 

A carcass smeared on the freeway on the white dotted line between two lanes. Rib cage and wet fur exposed, a death-gash the size of one of those dotted lines. Correction, most people would guess a white dotted line is two feet in length, but the white dotted line is 10 feet long. The carcass couldn’t make up his mind, he didn’t want to go to the other side. Our lives perforated like the white lineslonger than we expectsuch thin membranes to keep us moving from one lane to the next, from life to death. 

I drive from point A to point B and then point B to A and then repeat. And repeat, and repeat. I drive fast. Fast is expected as there are many repetitions and the foot is heaviest when it is on the accelerator, not on the brakes. And the heaviest point is the heart which has a direct emotional connection to the right foot. When the heart is heaviest, the foot turns to lead. Yet, I let up on the gas when I remember there is a sun rise outside my driver’s side window. I watch it flood onto the river and overflow its many shades of light. I want to make an unplanned stop at point C. I want to pull over onto the shoulder and brave the speed of oncoming traffic. I want to stop. But I am driving to point B and then I’ll have to drive to point A and all of it is more important than enjoying point C. 

1 comment:

  1. i think you've struck just the right tone, with this voice, as to what Maureen was looking for ~
