Saturday, April 27, 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 27...An Elegy

Followed the prompt with 9 minutes to spare until midnight! I chose the very first sonnet in Shakespeare's "The Sonnets" on to create my own sonnet similar but different than the original.

An Elegy

Time consumed and a life wasted, a gravestone
Given to the fool who believed he could live
By his own means without a love to bind him.
No one will earmark his place in this life,
Who did he leave behind to remember him?
His marble halls, his golden crown left barren.
No amount of money gathered can stop death.
No amount of words recorded in a book
Can record flesh and bone, the scent of his hair.
He is undone; no heir of his blood remains.
He never named a woman with his surname.
No child greeted him or called him father.
He was born without desire to create,
His purpose shrivels like a wintered rose.

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