Sunday, April 25, 2021

Day 22 NaPoWriMo - Himalayan Blackberry

I wrote this poem in my notebook on day 22, but just got around to typing it up.

Himalayan Blackberry

It was the blackberry that Eve ate,
not the tame apple. She wove her hand,
cut it on the thorns to reach the sun
warmed morsel. She didn’t bite it,
no. With tongue and roof of mouth,
she pressed it, gushing out into a nectar,
filling her mouth with wild revolution.
Purple dribbled out her mouth,
and like an animal, she licked it up
quickly, not to waste a single drop.
She plucked more, each one like
a string on an instrument, music
of her hunger, collecting them
in the palm of her hand. She wanted
to give them to Adam, have him try
their violent flavor, but she ate
every one of them herself.
When all the berries picked,
she found him sleeping under
the shade of a willow tree;
she kissed him. He licked his lips
tasted sweetness and it was enough.

1 comment:

  1. "filling her mouth with wild revolution." Delightful! And some words are just so gorgeous in the mouth,,.. like Himalayan Blackberry. This one needs submitting.
