Saturday, April 10, 2021

Day 10 NaPoWriMo - Your Bag of Wonders

I followed the prompt today and used Gnossienne No. 1 by Eric Satie for my song and riffled through my parents junk drawer which made me think, what if my body is a junk drawer, containing so many pieces that must be put together, to be riffled through and upended. Am I an endless bag of useful things or do I need any use, just that I'm there in all of my pieces wandering through time and space? The poem ended up into the shape of a sonnet...

Your Bag of Wonders
The smell of rain settling dust into ozone,
bringing the air down into the earth to mingle.
The hyacinths opening their pink and blue towers.
You, your scent of jasmine, climbing through your hair
like a green vine with star shaped flowers.
I lay with you in our tent and I wander with you,
always. You have the pieces of my mouth, my ear,
my breast, rib and the butterfly wings of my hips.
You collect them like you collect my scent,
sweat and citrus, the smell of cut limes and lemons,
You hold my brightest parts and keep them
in your bag of wonders and adventures.
And, I must confess, I never wish to be completed.
Please do not finish me.


  1. Wow! Awesome. I like the strength in the voice - direct! Jasmine recurs in some of my poems too. :)

  2. I listened to the music while I read. WOW! Very moving. Lovely.
