Sunday, May 3, 2020

Day 27 of #the100dayproject - Phase 2: The Eyes See New

Phase 2: The Eyes See New

I move my magical thinking outside
The container of my body, into
The open air for all to witness
This collection of treasures. Ideas
Can become so powerful they
Solidify like water into ice, transform
Their intangible selves into objects.
So too does the idea of us sleeping
Outside, our bodies content with
our sleeping bags, the sky as our tent.
So too does the idea of setting camp,
The methods of pitching and staking,
The wrangling of poles and herding
Of waterproof canvas. So too does
The idea of building a fire with
Newspaper, kindling and branches,
Creating the orange throated roar.
So too does the idea of placing
Our chairs, popping the tab
Of a beer and warming
Our feet close to the fire pit.
So too does the idea of
Our conversations over
Campfire, how our voices
Wonder and weave through
The night as if our language
Grew legs and moved through
The dark. So too does the idea
Of being outside, so too does
The idea of being; the fear
Lifting as if the fire could burn
the virus, turn it to coal and ash;
we could use the light of the fire
to guide us to the next parts
of our collective turmoil.

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