Saturday, April 7, 2018

NaPoWriMo Day 7: A Wife on Writing and Men

Day 7 of NaPoWriMo, I followed the prompt and created two lists. One that lists all of my identities and another that lists how I feel powerful or vulnerable. I am a wife and a writer and my husband makes me feel powerful and encourages me to grow as a writer, I know that not every relationship is this way.

A Wife on Writing and Men

You chose well even if you didn’t know it at the time.
It only matters that you know it now and
That he knows how much you appreciate
The hours of solitude at your little desk.

It only matters that you tell him by writing a poem
And leave it in his lunch for him to find.
You know you could have chosen a man
Who wanted to keep you back.

You could have chosen a man who didn’t see the point
of writing your words on a page or
You could have chosen someone who
Burned your words with envy.

But you didn’t, so never forget how he holds you in place
When you sit in your chair and gather doubt
Around you like a sickness. He washes it away.
His voice is rare, but it is full of words
most men don’t have the courage to say. 

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