Saturday, April 16, 2022

Day 16: The Naming of Things

The Naming of Things
                Curtal Sonnet

      Praise be to gas station bathrooms
           & halo of piss around ceramic tile.
     Truth lies in our bowels & I, oracle,
             roll up my sleeves, divine poems.

         Do not touch your face with this poem,
            wash with soap and water. Words are
              disappointment, mirrorless walls
     poems, bitter & fleeting, not quite right
        all this naming as if we are God, but this bathroom
     is God, the sink, halo of piss, me, poeming;
                                             all of us God.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Day 9: Nonet

Nonet: Sapphire Ring

It is my ring, but it is yours, too.
Wait and your finger will grow as
a tulip lengthens its stem
into spring; you’ll love
it like I love
the treasure
of your