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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

NaPoWriMo Day 3: In a Certain Order

I'm 10 minutes late to day three, but no matter what I still wrote it! This is a list of poem titles sewn together. I little lumpy, like a homemade quilt, but it more or less works.

In a Certain Order

In a certain order, the roots grow thick.
Special numbers in dance cards, in
the river chameleon, these weapons
come natural, comb and poppy
concentric circles in the humor
of predators and paper females
on Sunday’s she feigns pretentious
into serial waterfalls and sips bubbly.
Maybe the world grows colder, but
In a certain order, the frost seals
the summer into the earth and
she cartwheels into spring
her blue boat, her glass slipper

her body moving into poetry.

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