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Thursday, April 19, 2018

NaPoWriMo Day 19: Marble

For day nineteen of NaPoWriMo, I used the prompt. I took a paragraph from a short story I wrote and then began to erase words. It's interesting that the paragraph itself is describing a man helping his aging wife, but when I finally put the poem together it almost became sexual. A surprise since the sound and meaning of it didn't come across until I had taken the words and put them together.


He starts tightening my soiled clothes
with a wet cloth.
He takes everything, rubs out my curved
spine, rests me
down the hall rummaging with a cream-
colored dress.
I remember before we had children,
he lifted each
limb, adjusted them to rest on his shoulders
while I noticed
my stockings smooth into a pale marble.

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