Sunday, April 5, 2020

Day 5 #Napowrimo - The Day We Wore the Wind as Masks

Here's my day 5 poem for #napowrimo. Today was a very challenging prompt, but I feel like I was awarded with the unique images that emerged from the exercise. 

The Day We Wore the Wind as Masks

Car tires ripen out of the marshland,
split cedar holds the musk of lovemaking,
and the Himalayan blackberry vines,
serrated along the paved trail,
the wind into many pieces
of transparent material.
Use them
to cover your mouth with nothing.
The air tastes like winter and frost,
but the cherry trees keep blossoming.
And you told us that things are always
what they seem,
but the tires emerge
from the marsh as rounded animals
that burrow and hibernate.

Ashish’s bicycle keeps the earth in orbit;
the tines of our wheels twang and twong.
Life is short and life is long.
The blackberry tires of patience emerge
from the Snohomish marshes;
       all of them
wallflowers in the charred waters.
The marshes will recede in summer,
those precious morsels to ferment
in the sun.
In time, the tires will decide
to become the body of vinegar
or the body of wine.
No matter, we will sip from it
and hear with our tongue, the vibration:
                 Life is short, life is long.


  1. You did a great job with this difficult prompt. Wasn't it fun to see where it went? Esp. nice line:

    a yawning, agape
    in the uncertain spaces
    that once held words,

    Really lovely ending lines. Life is short, life is long.
