Sunday, April 19, 2020

Day 19 #napowrimo - day 13 #the100dayproject - E Pluribus Unum - Out of Many, One

I had a lot of fun writing this one...

E Pluribus Unum - Out of Many, One

They only show themselves
when I’m least expecting it;
I can’t search for them,
they’ll know and hide themselves
between the cracks of the sidewalk
or under the shade of dandelion leaves.

But when I come upon them,
I know something good
will happen, and that good
always arrives in threes.
They are the forgotten ones
their rough edges ground into
concrete or asphalt, grit and dirt,
obscuring our dear Lincoln.

A great president run over
by car tires, stepped on,
spit on, left behind,
dropped, and tossed.
Not worth the effort
of bending over and wedging
a fingernail underneath
to lift one cent up.

What is a penny worth
except the confirmation
of my superstition.
Picture me slathering
my collection with hand
sanitizer when I get home
from my walk, all of the
green blooming on his face;

more corrosion than
he ever had to handle
of corruption in his lifespan.
How hard he worked
to gather our broken
pieces into his hands.
And now look, all of his labor
disregarded, undone,
with the sweep
of a fake coppertoned hand.

1 comment:

  1. /all of the
    green blooming on his face;/ Love! Yes, Abe wouldn't believe what we are in.
